############################################################################## # This is the english description. # for better view refer to the congruent LaTeX file. # # For comments, errors or suggestions, please mail me at: # gee.r@gmx.net # ############################################################################## Projectconcept: uses: html, php and MySQL Author: Goran Ristic Baumallee 14 23730 Gut Beusloe Tel.: 043561-17799 gee.r@gmx.de Author: ComputerService Müller Udo Müller Kaspersweg 11a 26131 Oldenburg Tel.: 0441-36167578 info@cs-ol.de This project is GPL. ############################################################################### Description: The program should be able to reduce use of paper in Golfshop Pro-Shop Brodauer Mühle Order, article, customer, supplier, etc. administration will be accessible by courtesy of a normal webbrowser. Bills from the chosen fashionable articles, sporting goods will be generated by MySQL and PHP, presented in HTML. They will be printed twice -- one for the customer, one for revenue authorities. ;) For the comfort of compatibility, this program will not support textbrowsers like lynx. Analysis of annual, quartal, monthly and daily statistics should be producible. Annual statistics will be used to plan the bulk purchases for the coming year. Respected fix values are e.g. tax. To prevent accidental (or bratty) deleting/altering of important data, those administrative tasks will be protected by password. We plan realize this through apache's .htaccess. ################################################################################ Menustrukture ################################################################################ The Program will have following Menuitems: - Job administration - Customers administration - Commodity (fashion and sporting goods) - Order administration - Supplier administration - Phone Book - Analysis / Statistics - Settings ################################################################################ Functionality ################################################################################ ################################################################################ Job administration ################################################################################ Accept / execute an order: This menu gathers following data: - Choose / Search Customer-ID - Choose / Search Article-ID - Input quantity of pieces - Change of given prices - Possibility to generate the actual total price - automatically generated bill - Payment through cash, card or - Credit notes - Printpossibility ################################################################################ Customer Management ################################################################################ Create new customer: Here you give the following informations: - Family name - First name - Firmname - Street + Housenumber - Place of residence - Birthday - Telephonenumber - Faxnumber - Mobilenumber - E-Mail - URL Modify / delete customers data: As is. Search customer: Here you can search the databases for customers. Helpful as small phone book. ################################################################################ Article Management ################################################################################ Apply new articles (fashion and sporting goods): Following Information is needed: - Article-ID (must not be unique) - Article description (incl. Manufacturer; will be the search field) - Color - Sex (male/female) - Size - Categories - Supplier - (rest) amount of goods - Buying price - Sellers price - Tax While searching an article a trade margin has to be printed on screen, to be able to deal more variable with them. Article data modify / delete: As is. Search articles: Search articles in databases and overview of amount of existing articles. ################################################################################ Orders ################################################################################ Needs following input: - Article-ID (must not be unique) - Article description (incl. Manufacturer, will be Search field) - Color - Size (per sex) - Categories - Supplier - (rest) amount of goods - Buying price - Sellers price - Tax - Trade discount This data will be, as soon as the ordered goods are supplied, per clicking the mouse overtaken in the table article. This step deletes the correlative data in table orders or sets a field to delivered. The actual total amount will be calculated over a -Button. Order modify / delete: As is. Search orders: As is. Also overview of open orders. ################################################################################ Suppliers Management ################################################################################ Apply new supplier: - Firmname - Surname reference person - First name reference person - Street + Housenumber - Place of residence - Telephonenumber - Faxnumber - Mobilenumber - E-Mail - URL - Own ID Suppliers data modify / delete: As is. Search supplier: As is. Even helpful as small phone book ################################################################################ Phone Book ################################################################################ Search telephone number: Given search words will search through table supplier and customer. Delivers list of results. ################################################################################ Analysis / Statistics ################################################################################ Those possibilities exit: - Credit notes accounting - Pro accounting - Sales analysis - Order / purchase stats ################################################################################ Settings ################################################################################ Agreed values: Input of actual valid tax amount, the percentage for the Professionals and the selection of the programs language. ################################################################################ Description Database ################################################################################ The following tables will be generated: - table assignment - table assign_article - table order - table article - table customer - table supplier - table settings - table credit-note - table bills #### Table assignment - id = RG-Nr, autom.Gen. |int(15)| - customer-id |int(10)| - for (i=1;i=15;i++) { article-id \verb|int(10)| amount \verb|int(5)| cash-price \verb|varchar(20)|\\ } - date |date| - cash |varchar(20)| - card |varchar(20)| - credit-note |varchar(20)| - payed |enum("N","Y")| #### Table article - table id, autom. gen \verb|int(10)| - table articlenumber \verb|varchar(20)| - table description \verb|varchar(60)| - table supplier \verb|int(10)| - table amount \verb|int(5)| - table color \verb|varchar(15)| - table sex \verb|char(1)| - table size \verb|varchar(6)| oder \verb|int(5)| - table buy-in-price \verb|varchar(10)| - table sell-price-from \verb|varchar(10)| - table sell-price-to \verb|varchar(10)| - table tax-id \verb|int(3)| - table proarticle \verb|enum("N","Y")| #### Table order - table id, autom. gen. \verb|int(10)| - table orderdate \verb|date| - table delivery-date \verb|date| - table articlenumber \verb|varchar(20)| - table description \verb|varchar(60)| - table supplier \verb|int(10)| - table amount \verb|int 5|| - table color \verb|varchar(15)| - table sex \verb|char(1)| - table size \verb|varchar(6)| oder \verb|int(5)| - table buy-in-price \verb|varchar(10)| - table sell-price-from \verb|varchar(10)| - table sell-price-to \verb|varchar(10)| - table tax-id \verb|int(3)| - table proarticle \verb|enum("N","Y")| - table discount - table term-of-payment - table days \verb|date| - table percentage \verb|int(3)| #### Table customer - table id, autom. gen. \verb|int(10)| - table name \verb|varchar(40)| - table first-name \verb|varchar(40)| - table street \verb|varchar(40)| - table housnumber \verb|varchar(40)| - table zip-code \verb|varchar(40)| - table residence \verb|varchar(40)| - table telephone \verb|varchar(40)| - table fax \verb|varchar(40)| - table mobile \verb|varchar(40)| - table email \verb|varchar(40)| - table url \verb|varchar(40)| - table is-pro \verb|enum("N","Y")| - table is-pro-from \verb|int(10)| #### Table supplier - table id, autom. gen. \verb|int(10)| - table firm \verb|varchar(40)| - table name \verb|varchar(40)| - table first-name \verb|varchar(40)| - table street \verb|varchar(40)| - table housenumber \verb|varchar(40)| - table zip-code \verb|varchar(40)| - table residence \verb|varchar(40)| - table telephone \verb|varchar(40)| - table fax \verb|varchar(40)| - table mobile \verb|varchar(40)| - table email \verb|varchar(40)| - table url \verb|varchar(40)| - table customer-id \verb|varchar(40)| #### Table bill - table id, autom. gen. \verb|int(10)| - table date \verb|date| - table supplier-id \verb|int(10)| - table order-id \verb|int(10)| #### Table fixed - table id, autom. gen. \verb|int(4)| - table tax in \% \verb|int(3)| - table percentage-pro in \% \verb|int(3)| - table language \verb|varchar(20)| The program is intendet to run under different platforms and different Webbrosers. For a quick overview of its design, please visit http://psa.sourceforge.net, oder get the LaTeX-File.